PRAISE ULLR!! (OOL-AR) This is a rich dark stout that melts in your mouth. With roasted malts that create a splash of chocolate and a generous dose of coffee flavor, this will be sure to warm you on a cool day. Hopped with East Kent Golding hops which give it a great mouth feel and overall balance. A delicious breakfast beer to toast the god of the fluffy white stuff during après.
ABV 6% IBU 23
About the Name
You can not live in a ski town and not hear about Ullr. Ullr is a Nordic God of Winter, Skiing, Skating, Hunting and most importantly for the back country folks....safe travel. The Very first day we poured this delicious stout from our tap, it snowed 30 cm the next day and kept snowing throughout the week as more and more people came to pay homage to the god of winter!
World Famous artist Leah Pipe stepped out of her wheelhouse and came up with something incredible for us on this design. Take a look at some of her other art here: